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Super Delish Spiced Crispy Crunchy Raw Cauliflower Recipes Vegan Keto | The Frugal Chef

Duration: 02:35Views: 323Likes: 23Date Created: Feb, 2022

Channel: The Frugal Chef

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: vegan snacks easyvegan snacks recipesraw cauliflower recipes veganvegan recipes easyketo snacks homemadeketo vegan recipescauliflower recipes healthyraw cauliflower benefitsvegan snacks for weight lossfrugal chefbenefits of eating raw cauliflowerketo vegan dietvegan snacks healthythe frugal chefcauliflower recipescauliflower recipes ketovegan recipes for weight lossraw cauliflower recipesketo snacks recipe

Description: Raw cauliflower recipes vegan. Vegan keto recipe. Let's make a delicious, super healthy, super easy raw cauliflower recipe that is vegan and keto. This is also super healthy. Cauliflower is loaded in great benefits for your body. Check the benefits below 👇 VEA ESTE VIDEO EN ESPAÑOL - youtu.be/MoiTGBoWXKo SUBSCRIBE here - bit.ly/LQTHYW Share, like and comment. Follow me : Twitter :twitter.com/thefrugalchef Facebook : facebook.com/pages/The-Frugal-Chef/245282282242 Instagram : instagram.com/thefrugalchef Benefits of Cauliflower Fights cancer Full of antioxidants Reduces inflammation Loaded in fiber Improves heart health Reduces blood pressure Improved kidney function Aids in detoxification Boosts brain heath Full of folate Aids in weight loss Protects eye health Cauliflower Bites 1 head cauliflower Lime or lemon (start with half) Tajin or chili powder Water Ice Salt Cut the cauliflower into florets by removing the core. Break the florets into small pieces. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a bowl of water. Add ice. Add the cauliflower and let it soak for a minimum of 20 minutes. Drain the cauliflower and squeeze the half lemon or lime over it. Add Tajin or chili powder to taste. Taste for salt and adjust accordingly. Enjoy! Music courtesy of YouTube - Night Run Away by An Jone

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